Faribault Holds Lieutenant Retreat!
By Melissa Paquette
MCF-Faribault held an all-day Lieutenant retreat at the Faribault Police Department on June 13 & 22. The retreat was held to show appreciation & support for the hardwork that facility Lieutenants do on a daily basis.
The morning consisted of Warden Beltz presenting the new curriculum for "Effective Communication in Corrections" to facility Lieutenants and Captains. Staff were able to give valuable feedback and provide suggestions upon completion. The afternoon consisted of Captains having open discussions with the group on succession planning, Lt. duties, pros/cons of Lt. positions as well as an entertaining table top exercise to finish out the day.
THANK YOU to all of the FRB Lieutenants for all that you do!
Staff listed below attended one or both of the trainings:
Lieutenants----Proehl, Frantesl, Morgan, Opsal, Dusbabek, Kasten, Sunde, Olson, Duffy, Sutlief, McCarthy, Wilkemeyer, Sterling, Hanson, Davis, Ward, Wadzinski, Mueller & Wagner
Warden Beltz
AWA Westphal
Captains----Paquette, Mitchell, Dahlen & Cunningham