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  • Shout Out for Field Services Quast

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    District Supervisor Carter Diers sent in this Shout Out for Sr Agent Molly Quast:

    As a new team member to field services (but not a new team member to the state of Minnesota and how things work), I for one would be running for the hills if not for the coaching, mentorship, guidance, and leadership of Molly Quast. She has stepped up to be a fantastic trainer to not only me, but to other agents as well as she somehow manages her own hectic caseload. The Center City field office team has been phenomenal, and that team is even more phenomenal with Molly onboard. It can never be said enough to any state employee, thank you for all that you do it is appreciated.

    Thank you for submitting this, Carter!

    If you'd like to submit a Shout Out for a DOC officer, agent or staff, send it to Rosie at

  • ​​​​​Moorhead Juvenile Agents Partner to Provide Holiday Joy to Youth in Detention

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    By Janelle Cheney

    Moorhead Agents, Lindsey Ternes and Khrystal Janshen, have been asked to partner with the West Central Regional Juvenile Center to support the Lt. Adam Gustafson Memorial Fund by his Widow, Amber Gustufson. The Agents shop for and deliver gifts to each youth in placement over the Holidays. Agent Ternes expressed seeing many happy and grateful smiles yesterday and further noted, "Each resident received an individual gift and we were very fortunate to provide many facility gifts including: books (LOTS OF BOOKS – thanks Khrystal!!), coloring books, markers, colored pencils, card games, board games, puzzles, gloves, hats, basketballs, volleyballs, kickballs, etc etc etc! 😊" Agent Ternes also offered the following to her co-workers (fellow elfs), "Thank you all for helping and assisting with the shopping, the workshop going on in our office, wrapping, delivering..."

    It did look a lot like Santa's workshop in the Contract Office, with an assembly line in full swing! Our Staff appreciate this opportunity and are thankful they were hand-selected to support this project!!!

    Agent Janshen is on the far left and Agent Ternes is on the far right of the picture. Also pictured are staff from the West Central Regional Juvenile Center.

  • STS Crew Build Santa's Sleigh

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    By Matt Ziebell

    Doug Swanson, STS Crew Leader from Fillmore County and his crew were able to build and complete Santa's Sleigh for display for the City of Peterson just in time for the Holidays.

  • Shout Out for Career Agent Berce

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    Janelle Cheney sent in this glowing Shout Out for Career Agent Brad Berce:

    Career Agent, Brad Berce, has consistently been a great support for his peers!!! The Man, The Myth, The Legend - If you know, you know!

    In times where our District has been short staffed due to vacancies, or when we have new hires, Brad has offered to help cover additional regions and tasks, while his workload is already bursting at the seams. Brad covers the Clay County ESO caseload, primarily. Brad has also recently covered areas within the other Counties we serve, specific to this caseload. As we onboard new staff he has made himself available to mentor others on the nuances of this specialized caseload. Brad has also lent availability to going on loooooong roadtrips, partnering with new staff who are learning the ropes of conducting home and field visits. They cover a lot of miles, and a lot of topics during that windshield time. We have been very fortunate to have Brad's knowledge readily available to all of us, me included, to understand the complexities of those needing to register. He has been my "GO TO GUY," along with Agent Mike Rapp, when Reporting Instructions come in through the Compact! Thank you!!!

    Brad has also been a great resources to his peers who want or need an understanding of their contractual (Union) agreements! He offers the latest and greatest updates, keeping all up to speed as changes occur.

    Thank you Brad, for the additional work in covering a broader region, additional report writing and mentoring you have provided!!!

    Thank you for submitting this Shout Out Janelle!

    If you'd like to submit a Shout Out for a DOC officer, agent or staff, send it to Rosie at

  • Criminal Justice Career Fair at University of North Dakota

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    by Janelle Cheney

    Thank you to Agents Lindsey Ternes, Taylor Erickson and Jessica Aarestad for organizing a table at the University of North Dakota's Criminal Justice Fair December 8, 2023. *LOOK HOW AWESOME THEIR SPACE LOOKS!!!

    The Career Fair was intended to go beyond opportunities for recruitment and job applications – offering opportunities for students (including freshman) to learn about all of the diverse career paths related to criminal justice, as well as networking opportunities (between students-professionals, professionals-professionals, professionals-faculty, faculty-students, etc.). Students majoring or minoring in Criminal Justice Studies and Forensic Science majors were formally invited. Other students were also welcomed.

    The Agents offered information specific to Field Services as well as our Facilities. They also offered information towards navigating an Internship with the MN Dept. of Corrections. Their ability to speak about the philosophy and duties within this field are immeasurable. Thank you so much for clearing your schedules to make yourselves available for this event, and for promoting the great work our staff does each and every day!!!

  • Field Services Roman George Retires

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    By Jake McLellan

    After nearly 38 years in corrections, Roman George is retiring. Roman started his career in DOC as a Corrections officer in 1986 and promoted throught he ranks as a CO1, 2 and eventually jumping into field services in 1990. Roman was one of the original ISR and CIP agents when both were developed in the early 90's. Roman was promoted to District Supervisor for Litchfield in 2008 and transitioned back to ISR as the supervisor in 2011. All good things must come to an end through, so is true for the marvelous and memorable contributions he has made to DOC. We wish you well Roman on your new life ahead!

  • Shout Out for Albert Lea District Staff

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    Holly VanPelt wrote in to thank Albert Lea District Staff who came together for a food drive. Here's what they had to say:

    The Albert Lea District Staff recently conducted a Fall Food Drive where they collected items to be donated to their local food pantries. I just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU! Your service to your communities day in and day out as well as your commitment to helping those you serve is something I am proud to be a part of!

    Thank you for submitting this, Holly!

  • Shout Out: Coverage For a Vacancy

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    By Janelle Cheney

    Thank you Heidi J. Erickson, Brandy McNally and Laurie Solvie!!!! These three are an amazing TRIAD that can move mountains, and do.

    We were short staffed in their region for a period of time and they kept things flowing SEAMLESSLY for the six Counties they cover - at least they never let anyone see them sweat! While being short staffed they were also tasked with the follow-up needed pertaining to the new probation caps, in all six Counties.

    These three keep things moving and have worked very hard to ensure the incoming Agent had a "clean" caseload and that everything was up to date!!! It is a great feeling knowing this support is out there and that new staff can rely on them.

    They are now HARD AT IT is the entire Moorhead District with several new staff. Thank you to all!!!

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  • Shout Out: Closing the Gap Committee

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    By Amanda Tuthill

    Thank you to our Closing the Gap (CTG) Committee for presenting another great conference at Camp Ripley! This committee is comprised of devoted staff across the state from multiple departments who work together to ensure cohesive services in release planning for incarcerated individuals.

    I am grateful for their commitment in providing consistent and qualitative training and networking opportunities for their fellow agents, case managers, release planners and administration. This in turn helps to bridge the gap in services for those incarcerated transitioning from the facility into the community. Keynote speakers and breakout sessions were both relevant to staff's wellbeing and addressed pertinent topics in supporting DOC's mission and goals.

    Special thanks to FS Program Director Willie Swanson, MCF-FRB CSCC Jessica Drahota, CCA Dakota County Agent Amanda Schneider, and CCA Blue Earth County Agent Brady Schloesser for chairing this committee. The contributions of CTG as a whole are invaluable and I am grateful for their dedication and hard work.

    people standing on a stage in front of a small crowd

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  • Shout Out: Agent Bill Moe

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    By Kate Erickson

    One of my core values is acknowledgement and genuine and authentic human connection. When I see this in the frontline professionals that I have the opportunity to engage with in the space and focus of the work of the Community Stability Team I make a point to pass along notes of recognition to the leaders of these individuals. These observations and specifically the circumstances associated with Bill's client (AF) are likely not new, and I want you to know that his efforts and the work of the community partners is seen (at least by me).

    Bill made a referral to Jen Abbas (Community Stability & Support) several months ago. AF (on probation) was living with her mother and her mother was moving … and AF could not move with her to her new residence. AF has a long history of SUD, mental health and in the year prior was in a car accident that resulted in serious injuries. As a result of these injuries AF has mobility and cognitive impairments (TBI). Bill initially tried to chase down local housing needs on his own with no success.

    Bill and Jen worked together to get her into a local motel. Jen and Bill remained connected every month to staff and pursue different options. These options resulted in her being connected to ARMHS, a social worker with human services, and she still remains connected to professionals from drug court. He and the community team pushed forward with connecting to public housing, supported AF through the denial and the appeal process. Bill and team continued to persevere and arranged a full fledge care conference with AF, all the professionals working with her and our team.

    Together we strategized navigation of the local homeless and housing services system, and his follow up and follow through of these strategies was immediate and mindful. AF care needs continue to increase since her accident, and she still remains engaged with her care team. She is still at the motel, however – her journey to housing stability is moving forward. Because of the humility of Bill and this care team to say – 'help us think through this', his and the team's continued connection with AF, the creative strategizing and follow through – AF is now on the section 8 waiting list and has connected with Winona HRA, she has submitted her application through SEMCAC for Coordinated Entry (this is the system that will rank her prioritization of housing needs) – right now she is considered 'sheltered homeless' because DOC is paying for her stay at a motel and she is certified disabled), she has connected with WeCare (housing stabilization services) and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center/Hope for Homes program. AF will meet with the Housing Resource Specialist today.

    Bill's support and supervision of AF is littered with successes, and it is also really really hard work. It involves systems, programs, language, and actions that are not typical paths to follow for corrections agents. Bill has always shown up ready to support, follow through, humble, and inquisitive. This is excellent.

    Thanks for all you do, Bill.

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