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  • Career Agent Lindsey Ternes Earns Transforming Lives Award

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    ByJanelle Cheney

    Career Agent Lindsey Ternes is ONE IN A MILLION ~ and has received the Employee Recognition Award for Transforming Lives! I will do my best to try sum up (briefly), the impact Agent Ternes has had during her career with the MN Department of Corrections.

    Lindsey has spearheaded the Internship process within Moorhead, starting with recruitment to working directly with Central Office and the College in ensuring credit is given to the Student. She facilitates a monthly Law Enforcement meeting that has grown in size and talent sitting at the table. This meeting is specific to School Resource Officers and now includes Social Services, school staff, and more, and focuses on at-risk youth. It aims to be proactive while troubleshooting and working collaboratively towards addressing ongoing concerns with those already actively involved in the juvenile judicial system. She most recently has made herself physically available on-site at the Career Academy to support the school staff. Lindsey conducts job fairs and makes herself available for Career Days, speaking on behalf of the DOC. Lindsey also is a leader as she prioritizes her availability to the court system, often covering detention and arraignment hearings of youth.

    Agent Lindsey Ternes is a member of the Local Collaborative Time Study (LCTS) Team, the Clay County Safe Harbor Response Team, the Children's Mental Health Team, and the Pre-placement Screening Team within Clay County. She not only attends these meetings but she engages in the dialog and does an amazing job representing the DOC at the table of such meetings.

    Co-workers had this to say about Agent Ternes:

    Lindsey not only works hard to transform the lives of our clients but she is also a professor at the local college, transforming the lives of her criminal justice students. She is sharing her knowledge with the future of the DOC.

    Lindsey from day one has been someone to aspire to model your life after. She is easy going, smart, articulate, full of prosocial activities, she would not score high on an LSCMI! I couldn't count how many times I sat, stood, rode next to her while she was working with clients and got a bird eye's view on how an effective probation officer transforms people, not just her clients. Lindsey's ability to connect with a client is uncanny; however, I believe her ability to brighten any room with her positive attitude is her greatest strength. I have no doubt in my mind that she has single handedly transformed thousands of lives for the better, I know firsthand. She is truly a great human and I am honored to work alongside her and call her a friend.

    Lindsey is the gorilla glue who holds it all together. Lindsey is our office's mother hen, keeping track of details involving her and others' workload. She's a mentor and a guide for new employees and interns, helping them to have a positive work or learning experience. Her attention to detail keeps everything and everyone in line, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Her wings envelope others outside of our office, including buying gifts for juveniles who are detained over Christmas, working with schools and law enforcement, and instructing at a local college. Within our office, Lindsey ensures all are remembered and recognized, from planning retirement parties, going away parties, and other areas of employee recognition, leaving everyone feeling remembered and cared about. There has never been a time Lindsey has expressed exasperation or frustration with her responsibilities. Regardless of changes encountered or obstacles she comes up against, Lindsey meets it with a positive attitude and respect. Lindsey is an exemplary employee, comrade and mentor, the superglue who holds the office together and running smoothly!

    Lindsey Ternes is the hardest working agent in this office. Her work ethic is beyond reproach. Her positive can-do attitude is a constant. She chairs and is active on several committees serving our youth who are often disadvantaged on many levels. She is involved in volunteerism with this population as well. She teaches at a local college inspiring and educating future corrections and law enforcement candidates.

    Lindsey's sincerity and compassion for her clients is always apparent. Aside from being a tremendous agent, Lindsey goes the extra mile in many ways. She has been a long time volunteer with the Moorhead Police Summer Youth Program, she started a Girl's Group for her female clients, teaches at the local college, and represents the DOC on a number of committees. Her thoughtfulness and expertise are invaluable to Clay County.

    Lindsey works tirelessly to not only help clients make meaningful changes but colleagues, community members, students, and so many more as well. I first met Lindsey as a junior in college. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my degree but thought probation could be a good fit. Lindsey was an instrumental part in the internship program of Clay County and helped me throughout the entire process. I was able to learn so much from her and she was always willing to help. Lindsey is never afraid to go the extra mile and expects nothing in return. She is so deserving of this award as she exemplifies what it means to be a probation Agent and to transform others lives.

    Lindsey is a team player who always has a positive attitude. Lindsey goes above and beyond what is expected of her at work and is one of the nicest people I have ever gotten the opportunity to work with.

    Lindsey is the only reason I believe I have done so well! She is my guru, literally! She is always there to help me, to help cover anything that I need and support me! I am so happy and proud that she is winning this award, she truly deserves it. She knows so many people and does so much for not only probation, this county, and the criminal justice field! Congrats to her!!!

    Person standing with award certificate and smiling

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  • Corrections Week Fun at Stillwater

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    By Lisa Connors

    How often do you get the chance to 'pie' a supervisor without getting in trouble? Stillwater staff got the chance on the last day of Corrections Employees Week! Along with a grill out done by 1st Watch, Stillwater really brought the fun to Corrections Week. It was Lt. Mike Pavlich, RN Supervisor Amber Swanson, Capt. Lisa Connors, Lt. Marisa Williams, and CPD Natalya Kandakova. The pie-thrower was Sgt. Brett Bero.

    Here are some pictures from the events below:

    Sgt. Jacob Winberg grilled burgers, chicken legs and brats for 1st Watch staff appreciation. staff throwing pie in face

    staff with pie in face

    staff with pie in face

    staff with pies in face

    staff with pie in face

    Staff throwing pies

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  • Joe Gomm Memorial Highway Sign Installed

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    By Dan Dingmann

    The MN Department of Transportation recently installed the road sign memorializing Highway 95 from Highway 36 to Interstate 94 as the Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm Memorial Highway. A few staff took a walk down to the sign to take a picture of the newly installed sign. When coming to Stillwater you will see the sign turning on to Highway 95 off Highway 36. As we come up on the 5 year anniversary, this will continue to serve as a lasting memory to all who travel this section of highway of Joe's sacrifice.

    Image of Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm Memorial Highway sign on side of road

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  • Willow River Recognizes Correctional Officers Week 2023

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    By Carla Pocket

    National Correctional Officers Week is a time to thank correctional officers for their service and to raise awareness of the important work they do. It is also a time to remember the sacrifices that correctional officers and their families make.

    Here are some of the reasons why we celebrate National Correctional Officers Week:

    • To thank correctional officers for their service and dedication.
    • To raise awareness of the important work that correctional officers do.
    • To show our support for correctional officers and their families.

    Corrections Week at Willow River was eventful and enjoyable.

    Check out the pictures of the fun event below.

    DOC staff smiling in food line

    DOC staff smiling giving "thumbs up"

    DOC smiling sitting at desk

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  • SORT Academy 2023 Graduates Recognized

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    By Jay Olson

    Twelve new recruits graduated from the 40-hour SORT Academy that was held at Camp Ripley, May 01-05, 2023. The new team members should be congratulated for their focus and hard work during the intensive week of training. The Special Operations Instructors assigned to Academy do a remarkable job providing the baseline training necessary for Team membership."

    Special recognition was given to Sgt. Jeff Blaschko (SHK) during the graduation ceremony for his eleven consecutive years as an Academy Instructor. He will be retiring at the end of this year.

    group of SORT instructors and academy graduates

    two SORT instructors standing and shaking hands

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  • Ilyssa Siegal Receives Employee Recognition Award Nomination

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    By Nicole Cole

    Ilyssa is so great to collaborate with regarding clients. Her insight, therapeutic direction, and willingness to go above and beyond has been really refreshing here at the DOC. She is also willing to go above and beyond within the team. What the team is needing, she steps up to do. She has covered groups and classes either for the day or even short term coverage when we have been down staff. She is also there for the team with extra support with a client, she steps up and does it. Her clinical input is also so helpful and appreciated.

    group of corrections staff standing in front of wallL to R: Captain Eric Knies, Captain Chad Oye, AWO Mary McComb, CPT Nicole Cole, Psychologist Ilyssa Siegal, CPD Samantha Ortman, Warden Shannon Reimann, AWA Vicki Janssen & Captain John Kelly.

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  • Jodi Kulik Receives MADD Probation Officer of the Year Award

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    By Brian Rubenstein

    I am pleased to announce, our Agent Jodi Kulik (adult felon - treatment court agent), was the recipient of the MADD 2023 Probation Officer of the Year Award!! Jodi's continuous work, diligence, and dedication to providing above-and-beyond supervision practices is what led to her earning this award. She is highly respected by our treatment court teams in Becker County and I couldn't be more proud to inform you all of her award. Jodi's attention to detail, her ability to care for her clients' best interests, and her skillful use of evidence-based practices is evident in her daily work, and I truly believe this is why she is so deserving of this award. Many congrats, Jodi!

    Tara Griess, former MADD participant, was the one who originally nominated Jodi. Tara wrote:

    Jodi Kulik has been a Corrections Agent for the MN DOC for 20+ years. She’s a big part of the Drug/DUI court program (a program I had the opportunity to be a part of instead of a prison stay). Her communication skills with clients conveys her position in encouraging and supporting their growth and enables us as clients to find our purpose. She’s also a big advocate for the MADD Program and it really helps that she reaches out to the recovery centers to increase attendance at the panels. Jodi pushes the Courts and Judges for clients to attend MADD programs where clients learn about accountability for their actions. She is present at the Becker County MADD panel and she helps the program run smoothly. Her presence gives clients the ongoing support that she continues to be with them to offer support and belief in the program. Jodi assisted in getting the first ever MADD walk in Detroit Lakes in 2021 up and running and this raised over $12,000 with over 60 people in attendance. The enthusiasm Jodi gives to her clients shows the work she's providing them has great value. Thank you, Jodi!

    Sincerely, Tara Griess

    Jodi, congratulations to you from all of us at the DOC! Well done!

    Probation agent standing with award

    award standing on a shelf

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  • Lino Lakes' TRIAD 200 Team Receives Employee Recognition Award Nomination

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    By Latoya Shelby

    The following anonymous nomination was submitted for an Employee Recognition Award in the category Team Recognition.

    The outpatient treatment team planned and implemented a graduation ceremony for those incarcerated people who had recently graduated from TRIAD treatment. This ceremony included personal testimonies, Native American drumming, an outside recovery speaker, and many personal experiences from other past graduates.

    Until last month, this ceremonial recognition had not taken place. The experience was overwhelming in a positive way. Many of the graduates, and those in the audience, have never been successful at past treatment attempts. Many of them have never been recognized for their dedication to their own lives or choices. It was unbelievably heartwarming to hear examples of how these men’s lives have been positively impacted by their treatment experiences.

    Without the dedication of the T200 team, this wouldn’t have been possible. Additionally, a huge shout out to their leader, Colleen Gramling, who started with an idea and worked closely with multiple players to ensure a successful ceremony.

    group of corrections staff receiving award nominationL to R: Captain Chad Oye, AWA Vicki Janssen, Eric Hillman, Mary Hartenstein, Mark Ortner (kneeling), Colleen Gramling, Sara Pudelek (kneeling), Michael O'Neal, Rhonda Vahle, Warden Shannon Reiman & Captain John Kelly.

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  • St. Cloud CPT Eric Trudell Nominated for Employee Recognition

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    By Marisol Ortega

    Please join us in congratulating CPT Eric Trudell in his nomination by a peer for an Employee Recognition Award in the category of Outstanding Individual Performance for FY 2023. The nomination reads:

    "Eric Trudell has worked incessantly to build the Incarcerated Persons Mentor Program since its inception. He has initiated policies and procedure to make this program a success. He has build a team that is inspired by his persistency and consistency. He has personally taken on the responsibility to formulate a training curriculum and train the mentors on how to help the incarcerated population navigate prison. This has made the IP's transition to prison a lot easier as evidenced by the weekly number of kites responses thanking the mentors. Eric Trudell is deserving of an Outstanding Individual Performance award as he has built this program from the ground up."

    employee receiving award nominationL-R: CPT Eric Trudell, Warden Eddie Miles

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  • Lino Lakes' Jackson Achieves 30 Years of Service

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    By Latoya Shelby

    Congratulations to Frank Jackson on his 30 Years of Service!

    L to R: AWA Vicki Janssen, AWO Mary McComb, CPD John Quist, Case Manager Frank Jackson, Warden Shannon Reimann & Captain Chad Oye

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