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  • Shakopee Staff Say Farewell to Sports Medicine Specialist Molly Monyok

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    By Colleen Holst

    Molly began her DOC career on August 4, 2014 in the Sports Medicine Specialist (ATC-Athletic trainer) role at MCF-Shakopee. This was a new role at the SHK facility, as previously the CIP program was located at the MCF-Togo facility.

    Molly jumped right in to learn the ATC role as it related to her specific responsibilities as well as learning the bigger role as a member of the CIP team. Molly's role was a very important one as she was responsible for assessing IP's to ensure they met the physical requirements for participation in phase one of the program. Molly had regular interaction with the entire Health Services team and CIP team. She quickly became a valuable resource for the nursing staff, medical providers, and CIP staff.

    Molly's energy and willingness to pitch in and help out wherever she could was so appreciated by the entire Health services team and CIP Team. Molly was instrumental in guiding the nurses and medical providers through the new EHR (electronic health record) system; she grasped the new system very quickly and shared her knowledge with the entire team, we certainly wouldn't be where we are today with the EHR without her!

    Molly was dedicated in her role as the athletic trainer in CIP. She invested her time in physical training, encouraging healthy eating along with teaching incarcerated individuals how to live a healthy lifestyle. She encouraged the CIP participants to never give up on themselves and to always strive for more. Her role as the athletic trainer is an integral part of the program. Molly was a huge asset to the CIP program and will be missed.

    Words from Molly on her last working day:

    Wow! I cannot believe this day has come! After working in the Challenge Incarceration Program for almost 9 years, the time has come for me to move on to another adventure. As a 3rd generation employee of the state, I was honored with the opportunity to apply my skills and knowledge in such a unique setting. I have learned a lot from the staff here and will truly miss my coworkers in medical, in CIP, and across the DOC. Thank you all for the support and encouragement towards me on my new adventure.

    L-R: Warden Guy Bosch, previous CIP CPD Kevin Fors, Sports Medicine Specialist/ATC Molly Monyok, Director of Clinical Operations Colleen Holst, CIP CPD Tabitha Jeffries

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  • Shakopee Special Project for County Court

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    Retention Hero stories differ from Shout Outs in that they showcase special things people do that make working at the DOC great.

    By Truda Lovett

    A judge in Wright County asked for an impossible task to be done. It required the work of Shakopee Case Manager - Paul Klemme, Shakopee Records - Nancy Steffens, Sentence Administration Unit - Julia Teich, Field Services OAS-I - Pauline Riehm, and myself. Even with two set-backs taking up time this dream team got it done in one day and on-time. This hard work was person-center based, so the client did not lose her housing or her place in treatment.

    It was truly amazing to be a part of this team. Many entities of corrections were involved. Most of these people I have never met and most likely will never meet. I am truly grateful to work with such wonderful people in the DOC. Everyone of these people went above and beyond their jobs for this client and the Court on this day.

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  • Lt. Hunt's "Something Good" Statement Comes True

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    By Brianna Erickson

    In February of this year, I reported to work to relieve Lt. Hunt on a Saturday morning. While reporting to the Watch Office, I collapsed. I regained consciousness quickly, embarrassed and insisted I was fine to work my shift. Little did I know, I was in the throes of a life threatening medical emergency that I was committed to walking off. Lt. Hunt was able to cleverly convince me that I was in fact, “not fine" and to get medical attention. Lt. Hunt had the presence of mind to immediately reach out to my emergency contact so he could meet me at the hospital. A few hours later, I had emergency surgery and have since fully recovered. Doctors told me that that may not have been the case if I had not sought medical care when I did.

    Lt. Hunt is not only an outstanding coworker, he's a great human. He exemplifies professionalism, sound decision making skills, has strong leadership and truly cares about the work he does. Throughout his time in both the military and corrections, Lt. Hunt has displayed a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the communities he serves. He has worked tirelessly to protect and serve those around him, always putting the needs of others before his own. Lt. Hunt is highly respected by his colleagues and superiors for his strong leadership skills. He is known for his ability to quickly and effectively respond to emergencies and to manage complex situations with a calm demeanor and professionalism. Overall, Lt. Hunt's commitment to service, leadership, and selflessness make him an outstanding member of both the military and corrections family. He is an inspiration to others and a true asset to Shakopee!

    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Shakopee Lieutenants group. They covered my shifts, checked in on my areas of supervision and provided updates and support while I was out of work. It is truly an honor to be a part of this team. Lt. Hunt, Lt. Brady Hartmann, Lt. Ben Frisk, Lt. Bill Schmidt, Lt. Stephanie Hebzynski, Lt. Eric Retzinger, Lt. Dan Fogarty – thank you all for your support, assistance and making me feel like family.

    About a year ago, as he checked in on a mama duck sitting in her nest in an enclosed courtyard, Iaan Hunt stated, “It would be nice for Shakopee to be in the Hotline for something good." This statement stuck with me. Congratulations Lt. Hunt - your "Something Good" statement just came true!

    Profile photo of Lt. HuntLt. Hunt

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  • Shakopee CIP Volunteers at Allyhoo

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    By Sgt. Dave Hergott

    Within the past year, Shakopee Challenge Incarceration Program (CIP) participants have formed a rewarding partnership with a local nonprofit business located in Shakopee called Allyhoo.

    Ally Doucette created this nonprofit when she was 15 years old after being a patient at Children’s Hospital. Ally came face to face with other sick kids and wanted to provide them comfort, hope and a diversion from the pain. She used her sewing machine to create a pair of identical stuffed animals. Her first creation was an owl! For every order received, one stuffed animal goes to the customer and an identical twin is donated to a patient at Children’s Hospital in the donor’s name.

    CIP participants volunteer at Allyhoo 3-4 times per month. First, they select the stuffed animal pattern that they want to create. There are currently over 10 different stuffed animals to choose from, including Puppies, Cats, Bears, Bunnies and Chipmunks. Next, they select the different kinds of material to use. The last step is cutting all of the pieces out so the animal can be sewn together and stuffed by Allyhoo staff.

    Shakopee CIP participants enjoy spending time at Allyhoo knowing that they are providing hope and happiness to sick children. For more information visit

    A group of women sitting around a table with stuffed owls and a man in uniform.From Left to Right: Ijada Rudd, Sheryl Proch, Julie Jackson, Catherine Beckman, Adrianna Arroyo, Lyndsey Bender, Shannon McMurtry, Alexis Billing, Shirley Dunn and Paige Peterson.

  • Stillwater Bids Adieu to Warden Bosch

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    By Captain Andy Darling

    MCF-Stillwater staff bid farewell to Warden Guy Bosch as he returns to MCF-Shakopee after nearly four years.

    Warden Bosch was appointed to lead Stillwater on July 1, 2019. During his appointment he led his team through several unprecedented challenges including a ransomware attack and the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout these events and others, his goals were clear, and it was evident his vision for Stillwater was a program-rich environment where individuals have an opportunity for real change. Thanks to the persistence of Warden Bosch and his team, as well as his attention to detail, he is leaving the facility with a clear direction forward.

    During his time at Stillwater, Warden Bosch often commented on the fine dining opportunities the town of Stillwater had to offer. As a big thank you for all he has done, his team treated him to his favorite cuisine on his last day with us.

    L to R: AWO Lisa Stenseth, AWA Dan Moe, Captain Bola Olarinde, Special Investigator Brady Scott, Captain Eric Hennen, Captain Andy Darling, Exec 2 Sue Armstrong, HR Director Sheryl Maxwell, Captain Lisa Connors, Warden Guy Bosch

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  • Shakopee's Lieutenant Vavra Retires

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    By Karley Jorgensen

    Lt. Tom Vavra retired from MCF-Shakopee after 21 years of service with the DOC. Tom showed up to work everyday with a big smile on his face, a positive attitude, and a friendly greeting - all while whistling! He had a passion for his job and was truly dedicated to the staff and to the incarcerated individuals.

    Man holding a retirement cakeLt. Tom Vavra

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  • Shakopee's Diversity Committee Takes Polar Plunge

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    By Jason Block:

    I am pleased to be writing you on behalf of MCF-Shakopee's Diversity Committee's Polar Plunge team. The plunge took place on Saturday February 18, 2023 on Prior Lake. With members from different areas of the facility we were able to raise $2,298. The team consisted of the following staff members:

    Sgt. Jason Block

    Ofc. Jeremiah Pierson

    CPT Sarah Tabone

    Ofc. Paul Scofield

    CCC Kyle Thompson

    Ofc. Amanda Patterson

    CPT Carly Bening

    CPT Jamie Kritzeck

    This team came together with high enthusiasm and willingness to take the plunge. Ofc. Patterson designed and printed the shirts we are wearing as a team.

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