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  • St. Cloud February Graduating Academy

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    By Marisol Ortega

    Please join SCL staff in congratulating February graduating academy!

    Left to Right: AWO S. Rykken, HRD J. Thelen, Capt. (soon AWA) D. Raden, CO E. Large, Capt. L. Korts, CO M. Overman, CO Gregor Sach

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  • Shout Out: 1st Watch Sergeants Eric Thielbar and Laura Weller

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    By Lieutenant Patti Miu

    Not often as a supervisor do we receive kudos regarding staff. Recently received an email from a newer Corrections Officer who has worked some overtime shifts onto 1st Watch:

    I wanted to let you know how helpful I have found (Sgt.) Weller and (Sgt.) Thielbar to be. They are both very good at noticing my mistakes and helping me correct them immediately. I have learned a great deal from them because they not only help me see where I went wrong but, they also explain why it was wrong and how to correct it before it becomes a problem and not just a mistake. I truly appreciate this calm and rational assistance. When you work with as many people as I do on all the different shifts, it is refreshing to not be yelled at, but coached. These two are VERY good at it.

    Since you are their supervisor, I wanted to let you know that they do GREAT work, outside, their post duties. They are team players and interested in developing, not destroying what could be good employees.

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  • St. Cloud Celebrates January Graduating Academy

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    By Marisol Ortega

    Please join SCL executive staff in congratulating this month's graduating academy!

    group of corrections staff standing inside

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  • OIF Dream Center Celebrates With 2 Events

    By Grant Dossetto, KNSI Radio

    As a famous Christmas movie once said, “No man is a failure who has friends.”

    This holiday weekend, one group in St. Cloud is finding comfort in that idea as they work to jump-start their lives. Overcomers International Fellowship is run by Pastor Michael Laidlaw and his wife. It started as a more conventional homeless shelter in the 1990s and has morphed into a men’s support group. Laidlaw says they only tackle the toughest cases.

    “We’re kind of laser-focused on that highest risk population and we’re going to pour out hospitality, concern, love, programming, and create a bunch of resources for them to be very successful.”

    OIF helps turn felons and the addicted into college graduates, husbands, and success stories in its five-building complex near the railroad depot. One of the earliest is.... go to KNSI Radio's website to read more!

  • St. Cloud's 2023 December Graduating Class

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    By Marisol Ortega

    Please join SCL in congratulating December's graduating academy!

    Correctional Officers

    Logan Nuesse

    Me'Cheal Ware

    Office & Admin. Specialist-Principal

    Philomena Licciardi

    Left to Right: AWO Sarah Rykken, HRD Joe Thelen, Warden Jesse Pugh, AWA Lathan Scott, Capt. Lori Korts, CO Me'Cheal Ware, Capt. Dan Raden, Capt. Jamie Holm, CO Logan Nuesse, OSI Mike VandeVord and OAS-P Philomena Licciardi

  • ​St. Cloud Staff Donate Needed Items to Senior Community

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    On December 13, 2023, Workforce Development Committee Members delivered donated gifts to residents of the St. Benedict’s Senior Community as part of the 8th Annual Golden Gift Giving Event. 81 Golden Gift Tags were filled by staff at MCF-St. Cloud, and gifts will be passed out to seniors in need this holiday season! Additionally, funds were raised which were utilized to purchase craft supplies for the residents, to use in their Community Rooms. A huge thank you to everyone who made this year’s Golden Gift Event a success!!

    Workforce Development Committee members AWO Sarah Rykken, CM Jackie Richards and COII Kara Zdan with St. Benedict’s Senior Community staff.

  • Congrats to St. Cloud's November Academy Grads

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    The SCL Executive Team is proud to welcome this month's graduating academy for completing their 6-week training.

    ​L to R: Warden Jesse Pugh, Ofc. Cory Otterstetter, Ofc. Yasir Shire, AWA Lathan Scott, HRD Joe Thelen, AWO Sarah Rykken, Capt. Lori Korts, Ofc. Elizabeth Menning, Capt. Dan Raden, Capt. Jamie Holm, AC Eddie Miles, Ofc. Natalie Sobana, Ofc. Jesse Morgan, Ofc. Sarah Eberhard

  • Shout Out: Officer Christopher Heaton

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    By Travis Schlangen

    Officer Christopher Heaton referred members of a community based AA group to the facility. The members have since agreed to facilitate AA meetings within the RESHAPE treatment program on a weekly basis.

    Without Officer Heaton's referral, the volunteers would not have been identified. Thank you Chris!

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  • Shout Out: St. Cloud Weapons Instructors

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    By Amy Pederson

    I would like to thank the team of weapons instructors at MCF-St. Cloud for their work this summer and fall, recertifying staff in Lethal/Less Lethal Weapons. Scheduled training lock up days occurred every other Wednesday starting mid-August.

    They were well-prepared each day, gathering equipment prior to the start of class so things could get underway at the start of the shift, making the most use of their class time. Documentation was submitted every day, in a timely fashion, in order to be able to report the accurate number of students in attendance.

    Their dedication to this discipline is appreciated. I would also like to thank the Watch Commanders and Detail Lieutenant for maximizing attendance in order to complete this with the least amount of lock up days necessary AND before hunting season got underway.

    St. Cloud instructors include: Lt. C Fadling, Officer J Hedlund, Officer M Hovey, Sgt. J Koshiol, Sgt. M Krengel, Lt. K Krippner, Sgt. M Larson, Sgt. J Rajkowski, Officer M Sturm and Sgt. J Tummel.

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  • Charity Haugen Receives Employee Recognition Nomination

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    By Sierra Jungers

    Charity Haugen was nominated in the category of Outstanding Individual Performance.

    The following narrative was submitted:

    “Charity is an OUD release planner for the DOC. She works with several facilities providing planning for medication assisted therapy for individuals releasing from facilities. Charity is thorough and individualizes each plan for those incarcerated. She works with several departments in each facility to curate the best release plan. She is also helpful and a wealth of knowledge to her co-workers and always willing to answer a question. Charity is a hard worker as well as a great example to her fellow co-workers."

    Congratulations, Charity!

    (L-R) Charity Haugen and MCF-SCL Warden Jesse Pugh

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