Lino Says Goodbye to the White Shirt Era

In a not-too-distant past, where uniform trends had evolved to include every imaginable color and pattern, a small community of individuals revered the simplicity and elegance of the white uniform shirt. They were known as the "Luminous Few." In this department of navy blues and simple designs, they stood out like beacons.

The Luminous Few were the last custodians of the white shirt tradition, a fading relic from a bygone era. They believed in the timeless appeal of this humble garment, cherishing its versatility and the sense of dignity it bestowed upon its wearers. Each member of the community held a unique story of how they discovered their love for the white shirt, forming a bond that transcended time.

The Luminous Few's unwavering dedication to the white shirt preserved a fading tradition and reminded the department of the power of embracing simplicity amidst a sea of ever-changing trends.

Though the era of the white shirt had reached its conclusion, its legacy will endure. The Luminous Few’s vision and dedication to a clean & pressed white shirt had awakened a renewed appreciation for the classic garment. The white shirt became a symbol of individuality and authenticity, and the Luminous Few stood proudly as the last people to wear it, ensuring that its legacy would endure for generations to come.

And so, the last wearers of the white shirt found solace in knowing that even as the era is soon ending, its spirit will forever linger, inspiring generations to come to embrace the enduring elegance of a bygone era. Farewell White Shirts!

Come July 1st, all uniformed staff are required to wear navy blue shirts and pants.

Pictured from L to R: Lt. Bernadette Kingsbury, Lt. Shannon Crittenden & Lt. Jessica Johnson

Categories: Lino Lakes
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