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Oak Park Heights Mosser Promoted to Sergeant

By Adam Perry

Officer Lindsay Mosser was promoted to Complex 5 Sergeant on 3rd Watch effective March 29, 2023.

Sergeant Lindsay Mosser began her career with the DOC in April of 2015. She started in ACU, where she stayed for 2 years. Lindsay then bid into Complex 3, and has remained there for the past 6 years. She had been a member of the FTO program for 4 years, while also participating with the BTYR and ICSM groups.

Previous to her time with the MN DOC, she volunteered with at risk youth, and with the Ramsey County Guardian Ad Litem Program.

Congratulations Lindsay!

Group of corrections staff standing togetherL to R: Cpt. Amanda Hofer, Sgt. Lindsay Hofer and Lt. Adam Perry

Categories: Oak Park Heights, Promotion
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