Shout Out for Moose Lake's Severs

Lt. Spencer Lekander wrote in about a special Kris-mas Eve Pizza Delivery to Moose Lake's 1st Watch. Ofc. Kris (Kringle) Severs of Moose Lake, personally delivered pizza to Moose Lake's 1st Watch on Christmas Eve! Here's what Lt. Lekander had to say about it:

Just want to give a big Thank You to Ofc. Kris Severs who at about 11:30 on Christmas Eve, contacted Watch Command and asked how many staff were on shift. After told the number of staff, Kris said he would be stopping by to deliver enough Lotzza Motzza pizzas so that everyone working would receive one. What a cool thing to do!

Kris is a veteran Officer who has been with the DOC for a long time. Kris is on 2nd Watch and had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, but knew that a lot of younger and not so veteran staff worked 1st Watch that night. He said he wanted to do something to thank his fellow brothers and sisters for working the holidays. He remembers being there himself. So he bought a lot (Lotzza) of pizzas and took the time on Christmas Eve to deliver them to the facility. Thanks Kris! The 1st Watch crew appreciated it!

And thank you also, Lt. Lekander for publicly recognizing the kind deeds of Ofc. Severs, who definitely delivered holiday cheer!

If you'd like to submit a Shout Out for a DOC officer, agent or staff, send it to Rosie at

Categories: Moose Lake, Shout Out
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