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Still Waters Run Deep Update

By Marina Fuhrman

The tattoo program has exciting news! Both apprentices received their temporary licenses and started tattooing real skin! Initially, they will be practicing on themselves and each other, and with more experience will start taking clients.

Some thoughts from our apprentices:

Daniel G.

“I am truly honored to be a part of this great program! I've learned so much in just these few short months than I have in many of the years I have been incarcerated. I've learned to expand my horizons as an artist and strive to always be better then I was. I've learned to look past the barriers between people and be more open to communications and dialogs both on a professional level and on a more personal one. I've learned to respect my own body and the bodies of others by not tattooing outside of a professional area without proper procedures and knowledge because it is dangerous. I've learned that finding one's purpose in life, true purpose for the self, is a key in rehabilitation. I am so thankful to those who helped build and support this program! You all have given me a sense of hope and direction for my future. I am truly excited to give back and contribute with the best of my ability both in my prison community now and my outside community one day. Lastly my thanks and gratitude go to Justin for his efforts. Its always inspiring to see people actually care".

Courtney O.

“My experience in the Tattoo program has been educational, inspiring and life changing. Over the past few months, I have had the privilege to learn about the history of tattooing, the tattoo industry and becoming a tattoo artist. We have studied topics such as bloodborne pathogens/cross contamination procedures, artistic growth, and professionalism to name a few; But this program has not been just about tattooing. It has also been about integrity, respect, and honesty. Throughout these past few months, this program has given me hope, purpose and a positive outlook on life; as well as positively effecting my mental health. I hope to one day be able to have an impact on people through a program such as this one and change someone's life for the better. Thanks to Justin (my mentor) I have also learned the importance of having true passion and dedication for the things you want to achieve in life. No matter how small or how big the challenge is, if you start it FINISH IT. Because there is always something to learn when facing a challenge. Overall, I want to thank Justin for believing in me and giving me this unreal opportunity to be involved with the program. I also want to thank every single person that had a hand in creating this program and entrusting us (inmates) to make it successful".

Categories: Stillwater
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