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Togo IPs Create and Launch a Loon Nest

By David Kurth

In October of 2022 my supervisor, Captain RJ Kruse, approached me with a project he thought would be beneficial to my programming area. The project was building an artificial loon nest for the Department of Natural Resources who are studying loons and nesting habits. As a Recreation Therapist, I thought it was the perfect project. We agreed it would be great for both agencies, the DNR and DOC, to coordinate on a project that has proven positive results.

In November of 2022, Spencer Rittler of the DNR, presented the project to the Incarcerated Persons in the Yankee and Quebec squads. The presentation went well, and soon the building materials were delivered. The building and launching of the nest provided an opportunity for the IPs to build skills in teamwork, communication, patience, and problem-solving.

When it was completed the Quebec squad members and I portaged canoes to Thistledew Lake and launched the artificial loon nest in the proper area for best results. Throughout the next few months, we will be checking on the nest in hopes it is being occupied.

Loon nest floating on water

Work crew posing with loon nest

Categories: Togo, Transformation
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