Welcome to Lino's Newest Academy Grads

Please Welcome MCF-LL newest academy that Graduated on July 18th! Ofc. S. Kalib wrote the following speech on behalf of their classmates.

"It gives me great honor to have the opportunity to represent my academy at our graduation ceremony. Although my academy peers and I initially went down different paths in life, each with our own unique experiences, our shared passion for corrections has allowed us to be here together to celebrate the completion of academy. Today, we embark on a new journey --the beginning of a fulfilling career here at Lino Lakes.

These last 6 weeks of on-the-job training, as well as the direct support and guidance from our supervisor, training directors, and several senior officers has given us the confidence in our ability to perform recurring tasks, such as rounds, count, and shakedowns. We were also familiarized with significant policies and procedures, including how to properly handle an ICS as well as deploying our chemical when necessary.

There were many highlights during our time in academy. However, the most memorable experience was our reaction to the exposure of chemical irritant. Painful was an understatement.

As our trainers began to empty countless cans of chemical into the small shed we were standing in, my fear suddenly became a reality. Panic began to consume me as I was the last to attempt the one training day I was dreading since the start of academy. The instructions were to remove our gas masks as we were asked a simple question by our trainers. Once we fully answered the question, we were required to put our masks back on and press down on its filter as we blew as hard as we could to be able to breathe again. Once Erik caught his breath with minimal issues, this was almost enough to put my mind at ease. However, after witnessing Brittany, the toughest in our academy, unable to catch her breath, eventually causing her to run out of the shed, that is when I lost it. I began to hyperventilate, resulting in a full-blown panic attack even before I removed my mask. With reassurance from Erik and our trainers, finally convincing me that I wasn't going to die, I mustered enough courage to at least make an effort. Long story short, I ended up right alongside Brittany outside the shed. We were a complete mess. In hindsight, knowing myself, maybe I should have gone first. I think it is safe to say that this is to be considered one of the most unforgettable reactions by far.

Most importantly, there are numerous individuals my academy peers and I would like to extend our gratitude to. Brad Scibak, Lt. Crittenden, Leah Hanson, and Vee Yang --- we appreciate the time and effort each of you put into ensuring we all succeed. The warden, associate wardell$Our captains, and the executive team for taking the time to be here for us on this special day that we'll never forget. Every one of our FTO trainers for their patience, as well as sharing their knowledge and insight that we will take with us throughout our careers here at the DOC, and lastly, Erik and Brittany for being there as my support system to get us through


Thank you to every single one of you for the positive impact you had on us, as well as the role you each played in getting us to where we needed to be. My academy peers and I plan to do our part to make Lino Lakes proud!

Thank you so much!

Ofc. S. Kalib, CO 1 --- July 18, 2023."

Thank you Officer Kalib and team, and welcome!

From Left to Right: Brad Scibak, COI Brittany Scardina, COI Sueraya Kalib, COI Erik Peterson, CPT 3 Aimmy Casale & WOOC TDS Vee Yang

From L to R: Captain Eric Knies, AWA Vicki Janssen, COI Brittany Scardina, COI Sueraya Kalib, COI Erik Peterson, CPT3 Aimmy Casale, Warden Shannon Reimann & Captain John Kelly

Categories: Lino Lakes, Academy
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