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  • In Memory of Guy Piras, Former MINNCOR CEO

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    Lawrence Richard "Guy" Piras passed away peacefully, surrounded in love by his family, on April 19, 2023 at the age of 70.

    Guy was a beloved husband, father, brother, son, and friend to all those who were fortunate enough to have him in their lives. Guy was the first-born child of Lawrence and Lois Piras, and followed by his siblings Brad, Jaye, Kip, and Kassy. Guy met his wife, Julie, in 1978 in the most romantic setting possible - a bar his family frequented. Guy and Julie married in 1981 and welcomed their son, Bryan, in 1982. Guy made his career working for the Minnesota Department of Corrections, starting in 1983 in the industry program at Oak Park Heights Correctional Facility and eventually rising to the position of CEO of MINNCOR Industries. During his time at MINNCOR, Guy steered the organization to profitability, and funded and operated two nationally recognized inmate transition programs, a project for which he had great passion.

    After retiring from MINNCOR at the end of 2015, Guy focused his time on his beloved (and lovely) wife and stayed active by playing an absurd amount of pickleball. After 16 years of threatening to move to the same state as their son, Guy and Julie made good on the threat and moved to Memphis, TN, to be close to Bryan, his wife Amy, and their newly-born daughter Phoebe, in early 2022.

    Though Guy's untimely passing will leave an enormous hole in the lives of those who loved him, they take solace from the fact that he was surrounded by his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and four siblings at the time of his death, and that he did not suffer. Throughout his life, Guy projected a positive attitude and a calm demeanor from which he seldom wavered. The people who spent time with him were better because of his influence. Guy will be forever missed, but his impact on our lives will be forever cherished.

    This obituary is from this Star Tribune article.

    Guy PirasGuy Piras

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