Category Red Wing   Show all

  • Staff Visit ICWC work site

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    By Associate Warden Operations Stephanie Huppert

    Assistant Commissioner Jami Doeden and staff from the Red Wing facility conducted a site visit to an ICWC work site at the City of Red Wing solid waste campus. They were able to tour the facility and gain an understanding of the work completed at the campus. The photo below shows about 30,000 pounds of aluminum that has been pulled out of solid waste that may have gone to a landfill if not for the work conducted at the facility.

    Corrections staff standing outside in front of recycled aluminumL to R: Lt. Matt Prose, AC Doeden, AWO Stephanie Huppert, and Captain Erik Meier

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  • Shout Out: Outstanding and Consistent Performance

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    By Red Wing Principal Kristen Titus

    Ofc. Tim Newhart and Ofc. Keith Zetah have consistently gone above and beyond by providing assistance to the education staff by spending time in the classrooms during school hours and by modeling positive behaviors for both employees and residents throughout the school day.

    Your presence is greatly appreciate and felt at the school!

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  • Shout Out for Red Wing's Lt. Prall

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    Lt. Kyle Prall (MCF-Red Wing) was recognized during the SORT Commanders meeting on December 21st for his dedication and commitment to our Special Operations Training Programs.

    Kyle stepped down as a SORT Member in October so that he could focus on other assignments and endeavors.

    According to Training Coordinator Jay S. Olson, “Kyle's contributions and 13 years of service as a SORT Instructor will be missed."

    And thank you for submitting this, Jay!

    If you'd like to submit a Shout Out for a DOC officer, agent or staff, send it to Rosie at

  • Shout Out to Red Wing Staff and Administration

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    Jon Chappuis sent in this Shout Out in appreciation for Staff and Admin at Red Wing:

    I would like to give a huge shout out to MCF-RW staff and administration, specifically Captain Eric Meier, Lt. Adam Blashko, Lt. Streich that made Academy Graduation a success depite last minute staffing changes. These individuals, as well as many others, stepped up and made the Academy Graduation a huge success. Much gratitude is owed to all of MCF-RW for their continued commitment and support to Employee Development. Many Thanks!!!

    Thanks for submitting this Jon!

    If you have a Shout Out you'd like to submit, send them to Rosie Widell at

  • GoFundMe for Former RW CO Tyler Hawes

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    Red Wing's Warden Shon Thieren shared the following information regarding former Corrections Officer Tyler Hawes.

    On July 14th, 2023 , Three Fargo ND Police officers were shot in an an ambush style attack wile working the scene of a traffic accident. One of the officers involved, was former Minnesota Department of Corrections officer Ofc. Tyler Hawes. Ofc. Hawes served with the DOC from June 2022 until leaving to accept the job offer from Fargo PD in January 2023. Ofc. Hawes always led by example and only ever wanted to help others and serve his community. He currently remains in the hospital in serious condition. Ofc. Hawes' family would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support during this trying time. If anyone would like to donate to help Ofc. Hawes, his family, and the families of the other officers involved, links to donation funds are attached below.


    Leadership Care Fund:

  • Red Wing Celebrates Arbor Month

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    By Andrew Mann

    With new ADA accommodations needing to be made for a new sidewalk at MCF-Red Wing and Arbor Month in full swing, the maintenance team, along with Administration, took it upon themselves to ensure a beautiful tree lived to see another day! With swift action they found someone available to make the move and relocate the tree to another area of the facility where it can continue to provide clean air and shade for all the residents and staff in Red Wing.

    “Trees give peace to the souls of men." “If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees." “To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots." - Author Unknown

    Thank you to the team at MCF-Red Wing for keeping the roots of Red Wing alive!

    tree on grounds at Red Wing

    tree on grounds at Red Wing

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  • Red Wing Promotes Kimmes to Sergeant

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    By Kyle Prall

    Congratulations to Danielle Kimmes on her promotion to Sergeant!

    Sergeant Kimmes has been with the department for over 5 years and has taken it upon herself to go above and beyond to get involved in various different aspects of the facility, and the department as a whole. Sergeant Kimmes is actively involved in CISM, CIT, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Committee, Self Defense/Control Tactics, and is an operator for the Special Operations Response Team. Her dedication and commitment is going to be a great asset to the Sergeant ranks.

    Congratulations, Sergeant Kimmes!

    Two corrections staffL to R: Sgt. Danielle Kimmes, Lt. Kyle Prall

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  • Shout Out: New Officers at Red Wing

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    By Collin Pearson:

    MCF-Red Wing staff are super proud and amazed by the academy that graduated on 2/14/2023.

    Officers Tom Beissel, Danielle Featherly, Richard King, Mitch Ramstad, Nick Reese, and Fabiola Silva de Melo along with General Repair Worker Aaron Tebay and ICWC crew leader Troy Haulbrick. This group rocked. They showed up early, stayed late, and put in the effort to become highly solid employees. Congratulations on graduating and welcome to the DOC family!

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