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  • Vacation Donation for Togo's Arlene Duff

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    By Amanda Freese

    Please donate vacation time if you can to Arlene Duff.

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  • Shout Out: Togo Hosts Employee Development Team Building

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    By Laurel Skoglund

    Many of the Employee Development team attended a training/meeting day at MCF-Togo. It was a good day to go to Northern Minnesota as the weather was beautiful with the fall colors are starting to change.

    Employee Development staff Amanda Freese did a presentation about the CIP program, and we met with Captain RJ Kruse and Warden Gino Anselmo. We also toured the facility and the beautiful grounds of Togo. Sgt. Stone did a wonderful job answering our many questions about the program which we appreciated so much!

    As a team, we also participated in a Team Building exercise facilitated by Recreation Therapist David Kurth. He explained how he works with CIP individuals and their groups to encourage and build trust. Then, he led our team to the “Low Ropes" course. What fun we had in learning about giving and taking and assisting one another.

    Thank you to all the Togo staff for such a good visit!

    Corrections staff standing outside

    corrections staff on ropes course

    corrections staff on ropes course

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  • Welcome Togo Academy Graduates

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    By Carla Pocket

    Travis Hanson, Food Service Supervisor and New Hire CO Blake Toldo completed Academy in July. Congratulations!

    (L-R) Lt. Brandon McComas, CO1 Blake Toldo, FS Supervisor Travis Hanson, Warden Gino Anselmo

    New Hire CO Tayea Wheeler completed Academy on August 15th.

    (L-R) Lt. Brandon McComas, CO 1 Tayea Wheeler, Captain RJ Kruse

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  • Health Services - Basic Life Support Instructors

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    By Jay Olson

    On June 29 and June 30 Gabby Root (RN at MCF-Togo) conducted both recertification and new instructor training in the American Heart Association – Basic Life Support Instructor Course. Five current and six new Health Services instructors completed the training.

    The program is designed to prepare instructors to teach AHA Instructor-led and blended learning courses. The course educates instructor candidates on how to adequately use AHA Instructor teaching materials, ensure that students meet learning objectives, offer student coaching skills, provide an objective skills performance evaluation, and follow AHA Instructor and course policies.

    Assistant Commissioner Jolene Rebertus stopped by to thank the staff for “their dedication and commitment to the DOC.”

    Ric Chiodo, Manager of the Multi-Regional Training Center, provides updates on the AHA digital platform and training network.

  • Togo IPs Create and Launch a Loon Nest

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    By David Kurth

    In October of 2022 my supervisor, Captain RJ Kruse, approached me with a project he thought would be beneficial to my programming area. The project was building an artificial loon nest for the Department of Natural Resources who are studying loons and nesting habits. As a Recreation Therapist, I thought it was the perfect project. We agreed it would be great for both agencies, the DNR and DOC, to coordinate on a project that has proven positive results.

    In November of 2022, Spencer Rittler of the DNR, presented the project to the Incarcerated Persons in the Yankee and Quebec squads. The presentation went well, and soon the building materials were delivered. The building and launching of the nest provided an opportunity for the IPs to build skills in teamwork, communication, patience, and problem-solving.

    When it was completed the Quebec squad members and I portaged canoes to Thistledew Lake and launched the artificial loon nest in the proper area for best results. Throughout the next few months, we will be checking on the nest in hopes it is being occupied.

    Loon nest floating on water

    Work crew posing with loon nest

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