• Congratulations to Nicole Hensley on Promotion

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    By Latoya Shelby

    Congratulations to Lino Lakes' Nicole Hensley on her Promotion as the 3rd Watch K3/Utility Sergeant Position.

    Sgt. Hensley started her career with the Department of Corrections in September of 2015. She has worked in a few different spots throughout her career. She started on Utility on 3rd watch, Triad, and West on 2nd watch. She is currently a Chemical Instructor and a part of the Honor Guard.

    She has a bachelor’s degree in Legal Studies from Hamline University and was in the U.S. Navy prior to working for the department.

    Sgt. Nicole Hensley’s first day on duty as a Sergeant was June 25, 2023.

    Congratulations Sergeant Hensley!

    L to R: Captain Chad Oye, Lieutenant Bill Capocasa, AWO Mary McComb, Sergeant Nicole Hensley, AWA Vicki Janssen, Captain John Kelly & Captain Eric Knies

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  • Congratulations to William Pharr on Promotion to Sergeant

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    By Latoya Shelby

    Officer Pharr started his career in corrections in May 1997, at the Prairie Correctional Facility in Appleton MN.

    William worked there for one year and then left to manage a fast-food restaurant. William returned to Prairie Correctional Facility in 2001 and was promoted to Sergeant in 2005. Between 2009 and 2014 he also worked with adults with disabilities and operated a ready-mix truck and worked as an over-the-road truck driver. In 2014, William accepted a position at MCF-Lino Lakes where he worked 2nd and 3rd watch in the West unit before bidding to utility.

    Congratulations SGT. Pharr on your promotion!!

    Group of corrections staff standing togetherL to R: Lt. Matt VanderVegt, Lt. Joe Rosier, Lt. Steve McCarty, Sgt. William Pharr, Lt. Mitch Weber,
    Capt. John Kelly & Capt. Chad Oye

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  • Lino Lakes Welcomes New First Watch Lieutenant

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    By Latoya Shelby

    The Lino Lakes Family welcomed Rob Lee From Faribault as our new First Watch Lieutenant.

    Lee started his corrections career as an On-Call Juvenile Detention Officer with Olmsted County Juvenile Detention Center from 2007 through 2019. Lee then began his DOC career in 2010 at Faribault and has worked a variety of positions on all three watches.

    He has been involved in the following throughout his career: Integrated Conflict Management System (ICMS), Field Training Officer (FTO), Field Training Coordinator, and a member of the Mentoring Program. He is also a military Veteran.

    Please welcome Rob Lee in his Lieutenant promotion!

    group of corrections staff standing in front of flagsL to R: Capt. Chad Oye, Capt. John Kelly, Lt. Rob Lee & Capt. Eric Knies

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  • Congratulations to Officer Ryan Dooley

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    By Latoya Shelby

    Lt. Bill Capocasa nominated Officer Ryan Dooley who acted swiftly in getting staff medical attention and applying the Heimlich maneuver!

    Congratulations to Officer Ryan Dooley on his Employee Recognition Nomination in the category of EXEMPLARY CITIZENSHIP/LIFE SAVING/HEROIC ACT!

    L to R: (back row) Capt. John Kelly, Capt. Chad Oye, Lt. Bill Capocasa, Sgt. Bryan Carter (staff who required medical attention), OSI Matt Swanson & Capt. Eric Knies. (Front row) AWO Mary McComb, Ofc, Ryan Dooley, Warden Shannon Reimann & AWA Vicki Janssen

    Three corrections staff standing in front of wallL to R: Lt. Bill Capocasa, Ofc. Ryan Dooley & Sgt. Bryan Carter (staff who required medical attention)

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  • Congratulations to the SOTP Treatment Team

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    By Latoya Shelby

    Congratulations to the SOTP Treatment Team for being nominated for an Employee Recognition Award - Above & Beyond The Call of Duty!

    This team is constantly going above and beyond their roles to provide a safe and comfortable therapeutic environment for clients to grow and change their lives for the better. They work tirelessly in often thankless positions to do their best for their clients and their colleagues every day.

    Nominated by anonymous.

    group of Lino Lakes staff standing outside

    Group of DOC SOTP staff standing outside

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  • Shout Out: Lawrence Anoke

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    By Danelle Gorra

    Somehow I lost VPN access overnight recently and was panicked to find out the next morning logging in. Lawrence from the MNIT help desk restored access with patience, humor, and grace using several different strategies to resolve the issue.

    When there is a lot to accomplish in a day, the last thing anyone needs is an IT issue and I can't stress enough how nice it is to know there is quick help at my fingertips.

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  • Welcome Lino Lakes' June Academy Graduates

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    By Latoya Shelby

    Please Welcome MCF-LL newest academy that Graduated on June 20!

    Group of DOC academy graduates standing togetherL to R: Captain Chad Oye, Lead PME Pat Mulvaney, COI Adam Phenicie, COI Prince Wehye, TDS Leah Hanson, COI Sodiq Bakare, COI Morris Brown & Captain John Kelly

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  • Amanda Tuthill Promotes to CPD at Faribault!

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    By Melissa Paquette

    Amanda began her career with the DOC in 2009 as a Corrections Officer at MCF-Faribault. She completed a one year WOOC Case Manager position in 2012, promoted to a Transitions Coordinator in 2013 and obtained a permanent Case Manager position later that year. Amanda has been involved in many pilots and initiatives involving streamlining case management and transition services to better align with the person centered approach, including most recently the DOC virtual court team, Faribault's caseload restructure pilot and Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT).

    She has been involved with a variety of committees throughout her career to include, Restorative Justice, Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Gender Identity Committee, Integrated Conflict Management System (ICMS), Workforce Development Recruitment, Special Operation Response Team (SORT), PRT and Mentor.

    Amanda has a B.S. Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation - Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology from UW-Stout and completed her internship at MCF-Stillwater in case management. Amanda's promotion is effective June 21st.

    Congratulations CPD Tuthill!

    CPD Amanda Tuthill standing in front of flagsCPD Amanda Tuthill

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  • Welcome St. Cloud's June Academy Graduates

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    By Marisol Ortega

    St. Cloud would like to congratulate this month's academy graduates.

    DOC staff standing in a group

    Front Row L-R: Cook Coordinator Amanda Block, CO Mark Rieland, CO Edward Desautel, CO Samuel Thorpe.

    Back Row L-R: Lt. Krippner, AWA Raden, Capt. Korts, AWO Rykken.

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  • Shout Out: Supporting New St. Cloud Staff

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    By Lori Korts

    We would like to give a Shout Out to the staff listed below for their support of new staff.

    Thank you to Sgt. Frank, Officer Braun, Sgt. Cherne and Officer Cherne for their willingness to take time with new staff, as well as their professional and personal approach to training new staff.

    Also, a shout out to Phil Trana in the Food Service Area for his kindness and efficiency with which he provides introduction, training, and assistance to staff as they begin their work in the food services area. The hands on, step-by-step guidance he provides is much appreciated.

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