• Shakopee Special Project for County Court

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    Retention Hero stories differ from Shout Outs in that they showcase special things people do that make working at the DOC great.

    By Truda Lovett

    A judge in Wright County asked for an impossible task to be done. It required the work of Shakopee Case Manager - Paul Klemme, Shakopee Records - Nancy Steffens, Sentence Administration Unit - Julia Teich, Field Services OAS-I - Pauline Riehm, and myself. Even with two set-backs taking up time this dream team got it done in one day and on-time. This hard work was person-center based, so the client did not lose her housing or her place in treatment.

    It was truly amazing to be a part of this team. Many entities of corrections were involved. Most of these people I have never met and most likely will never meet. I am truly grateful to work with such wonderful people in the DOC. Everyone of these people went above and beyond their jobs for this client and the Court on this day.

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  • Shout Out: Molly Gleason Faribault Training Specialist

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    By Jon Chappuis

    I would like to give Molly Gleason a shout out. In her short time in Employee Development, Molly has become one that others look to for answers. Molly handles training tasks including Academy training and graduation, In-Service training, annual training plans, assisting with facilitation of the FRB Training Advisory committee amongst many others things, for over 600 staff at MCF-FRB. Molly also plays a vital role in helping with recruitment at the facility with the Workforce Development team.

    Thanks Molly for all of your hard work!

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  • Retention Heroes: Faribault Staff

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    Retention Hero stories differ from Shout Outs in that they showcase special things people do that make working at the DOC great. Captain Lisa Connors submitted this on behalf of Stillwater's staff.

    By Lisa Connors

    MCF-Stillwater would like to give a HUGE message of appreciation and thanks to the staff at MCF-Faribault. On Saturday, April 29, Captain Martin Dahlen and Sergeant Jason Anderson came to the facility to meet with staff in an expression of respect and a "one team" message. MCF-Faribault's Unit 8 provided pizzas for all of the staff on all three watches at the facility. Additionally, Capt. Dahlen and Sgt. Anderson brought a "Thank You" banner signed by their staff with messages of support. It is acts of kindness like these that truly represent the incredible family our Department is. Thank you, MCF-Faribault!

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  • Lt. Hunt's "Something Good" Statement Comes True

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    By Brianna Erickson

    In February of this year, I reported to work to relieve Lt. Hunt on a Saturday morning. While reporting to the Watch Office, I collapsed. I regained consciousness quickly, embarrassed and insisted I was fine to work my shift. Little did I know, I was in the throes of a life threatening medical emergency that I was committed to walking off. Lt. Hunt was able to cleverly convince me that I was in fact, “not fine" and to get medical attention. Lt. Hunt had the presence of mind to immediately reach out to my emergency contact so he could meet me at the hospital. A few hours later, I had emergency surgery and have since fully recovered. Doctors told me that that may not have been the case if I had not sought medical care when I did.

    Lt. Hunt is not only an outstanding coworker, he's a great human. He exemplifies professionalism, sound decision making skills, has strong leadership and truly cares about the work he does. Throughout his time in both the military and corrections, Lt. Hunt has displayed a strong sense of duty and responsibility to the communities he serves. He has worked tirelessly to protect and serve those around him, always putting the needs of others before his own. Lt. Hunt is highly respected by his colleagues and superiors for his strong leadership skills. He is known for his ability to quickly and effectively respond to emergencies and to manage complex situations with a calm demeanor and professionalism. Overall, Lt. Hunt's commitment to service, leadership, and selflessness make him an outstanding member of both the military and corrections family. He is an inspiration to others and a true asset to Shakopee!

    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Shakopee Lieutenants group. They covered my shifts, checked in on my areas of supervision and provided updates and support while I was out of work. It is truly an honor to be a part of this team. Lt. Hunt, Lt. Brady Hartmann, Lt. Ben Frisk, Lt. Bill Schmidt, Lt. Stephanie Hebzynski, Lt. Eric Retzinger, Lt. Dan Fogarty – thank you all for your support, assistance and making me feel like family.

    About a year ago, as he checked in on a mama duck sitting in her nest in an enclosed courtyard, Iaan Hunt stated, “It would be nice for Shakopee to be in the Hotline for something good." This statement stuck with me. Congratulations Lt. Hunt - your "Something Good" statement just came true!

    Profile photo of Lt. HuntLt. Hunt

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  • Shout Out: Rush City's Green Committee and Helpers

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    By Lona Mack

    Shout out to a group of motivated individuals that did not hesitate to help when asked: Barry Lund, Tiana Knudson, Dustin Carlson, Mike Brown, Bill Aagaard, Wayne Whited, Gerry Beaudry, Dan Cummings, Tim Struss, Ed Trevis, Lonnie Miller, Cory Swenson, Kevin Paxton.

    The Green Committee was shorthanded, and we needed help cleaning our adopted highway and our facility road. Thanks for your help!!!

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  • Lino Lakes Celebrates 2023 C-Tech Graduates

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    By Randall Bergman

    Ten more proud graduates. Ten more chances for a brighter future.

    Ten more examples of what we can do.

    C-TECH at Lino Lakes facility sets its graduates up for success after leaving prison with employable skills. C-Tech Training Programs at Lino Lakes gives students hands-on, real-world training and provides industry-recognized certifications in Telecommunications, Copper Cabling, Fiber Optic Technologies, Energy Management, Grounding and Bonding Safety Techniques and 5G wireless technologies. Lino Lakes Facility addresses the labor gap in technology in the Twin Cities by teaching Lino Lakes' students employable technical skills.

    group of program graduates holding diplomas

    Left to Right: Mary McComb (AWO) Randall Bergman (Education Director) Marcus Booth, Eric Carty, Michael Wind, Alexander Brown, James Dale, Bety Rios-Christensen (Instructor)

    Not Shown: Jeffery Hookham, Otha Townsend, Dylan Young, David Pickett, Paul Trott

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  • Faribault Staff Attend Owatonna Job Fair

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    By Melissa Paquette

    MCF-Faribault staff participated in a job fair held at the Four Seasons Arena in Owatonna on April 25th in an effort to recruit potential employees.

    group of corrections staff standing behind recruitment table smilingLeft to Right: CPD Melissa McCann, Sgt. Mathieu Richer, RN Jessica DayPhillips and Lt. Paul Banon

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  • Shout Out: Kathy Klecker and Finance Department

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    By Balinda Bailey

    Ensuring that our 4500 plus staff get paid on-time and accurately is no small feat and I want to shout out to the finance team for the extra work they do to help me and my supervisors work through payroll and expense issues.

    Recently, Kathy Klecker went out of her way, outside of normal working hours to assist me with an interagency agreement and I want her to know that her work is valued and appreciated.

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  • Shout Out: Lino Lakes 3rd Watch A-Team

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    By Andrew Johnson

    On April 23rd, MCF-LL had a significant self injurious ICS on 3rd Watch. Lino's 3rd Watch A-Team did a great job responding to both parts of the ICS. Ofc. Kosloski deserves a specific shout out for using his 911 tool.

    This was a highly traumatizing event for all and I just want to give a Shout Out to everyone involved; A-Team officers, the unit Officers, and Lt. Forschen. Everyone handled this high-stress situation professionally and worked well as a team.

    Great work team!

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  • Lino Lakes' TRIAD 200 Team Receives Employee Recognition Award Nomination

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    By Latoya Shelby

    The following anonymous nomination was submitted for an Employee Recognition Award in the category Team Recognition.

    The outpatient treatment team planned and implemented a graduation ceremony for those incarcerated people who had recently graduated from TRIAD treatment. This ceremony included personal testimonies, Native American drumming, an outside recovery speaker, and many personal experiences from other past graduates.

    Until last month, this ceremonial recognition had not taken place. The experience was overwhelming in a positive way. Many of the graduates, and those in the audience, have never been successful at past treatment attempts. Many of them have never been recognized for their dedication to their own lives or choices. It was unbelievably heartwarming to hear examples of how these men’s lives have been positively impacted by their treatment experiences.

    Without the dedication of the T200 team, this wouldn’t have been possible. Additionally, a huge shout out to their leader, Colleen Gramling, who started with an idea and worked closely with multiple players to ensure a successful ceremony.

    group of corrections staff receiving award nominationL to R: Captain Chad Oye, AWA Vicki Janssen, Eric Hillman, Mary Hartenstein, Mark Ortner (kneeling), Colleen Gramling, Sara Pudelek (kneeling), Michael O'Neal, Rhonda Vahle, Warden Shannon Reiman & Captain John Kelly.

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