• Rush City's Binger Promoted to Sergeant

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    By Captain Nate Bartz

    Rush City welcomes Mackenzie Binger as its newest Sergeant. He will be assigned to 1st Watch and has experience at multiple facilities.

    Three corrections staffWOOC Lt. David Schmitt, Sgt. Mackenzie Binger, Cpt. Nate Bartz

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  • Shout Out: Rush City CPT3 Joshua Holmes

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    By Rosemarie Becker

    I would like to recognize Josh for all the help he provided to psychiatry recently. We were short-staffed in the units, but Josh talked with Lt. Goebel and offered to escort people to the psychiatry area. Jessica Denning was able to see 12 clients, which is fantastic! Thank you Josh!

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  • Oak Park Heights' Binkley Promotes to 3rd Watch Lieutenant

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    By Sherlinda Wheeler

    Congrats to Sgt. Travis Binkley on his promotion to 3rd watch Lieutenant!

    Lt. Binkley began his career with the DOC in 2010 as a Kitchen Supervisor at STW. In April 2011, he started as an Officer at FRB where he worked for two years before transferring to OPH, then was promoted to Sgt. on 3rd watch in June, 2018.

    Binkley has volunteered for a variety of programs and projects. He started as a Field Training Officer in 2017, and in 2021 he assumed the role of FTO Coordinator. In 2014, he joined the Crisis Intervention Team, progressing to a CIT Coach in 2018.

    L - R: Lt. Travis Binkley and his father Sgt. Mark Binkley

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  • Faribault's Sgt. Troy Hodgkins Retires

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    By Lt. Ryan Hanson

    Sgt. Troy Hodgkins retired on Friday, March 10, 2023 after 23 years of state service at Faribault.

    Prior to state service, Sgt. Hodgkins earned a 4-year physical education teaching degree and a 2 year law enforcement degree. He also served in the United States Air Force as a Tactical Aircraft MCF Pilot in an F-16. While at FRB, Sgt. Hodgkins worked a number of different posts primarily on 2nd and 3rd Watch.

    Congratulations Sgt. Hodgkins, and enjoy your retirement!

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  • Shout Out: All Rush City Staff

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    By Jacquelyn Chard

    I would like to give a Huge Shout Out to all Rush City staff! Our staff's knowledge, professionalism, and skills contributed to another successful PREA audit. Commendable subject knowledge was provided to the auditor leaving her pleased with our staff and environment. Not only was this noticed, but it is also greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rush City, for your stellar accomplishment!

  • Shout Out: St. Cloud's Librarian Sara Stueve

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    By Sarah Rykken

    As part of the large pilot, MCF-St. Cloud was tasked with doing approximately 108 Self-Reported Assessments (SRA), which feeds an Assessment Summary Report, used as a tool to assist in recommending programming and facility placement. While a long-term mechanism for completing SRA's is being developed, when asked for the pilot, Sara stepped up to take this on, utilizing computers in the law library.

    Not only did Sara take on the role of assisting 108 incarcerated persons to complete this assessment, she was also instrumental in answering questions about the pilot and providing feedback collected by those participating in this new process. Completing the SRA not only assisted staff at St. Cloud through the pilot, but at the transfer facilities, in varying departments, as well and will assist in informing future planning and decision-making. As the pilot begins to wrap-up at St. Cloud, she has also agreed to assist with surveys.

    Her willingness to assist and go above and beyond is so appreciated. Thank you Sara!

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  • Ismail and VanEmmerik Receive Checks From Correctional Peace Officer Foundation

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    By Sgt. Joe Witter

    Officer Ismail and Sgt. VanEmmerik (not pictured) were presented with a check from the Correctional Peace Officer Foundation (CPOF). CPOF is a national, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting the surviving families of Correctional Officers who lose their lives in pursuit of their chosen profession and/or to those who are severely hurt in the line of duty.

    Left to Right: Sgt. Joe Witter, Officer Abdurahim Ismail and Sgt. Brandon Witter

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  • David Reishus Service Information

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    David S. Reishus passed away on April 7, 2023, after a long battle with cancer. Dates and times for the visitation and service are below. He retired from the DOC in 2019 after almost 39 years of service to the State of Minnesota and the DOC.


    Tuesday April 18, 2023 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Bradshaw Celebration of Life Center (Stillwater) 2800 Curve Crest Blvd Stillwater, MN 55082


    Tuesday April 18, 2023 4:00 PM Bradshaw Celebration of Life Center (Stillwater) 2800 Curve Crest Blvd Stillwater, MN 55082

  • Faribault's Safety Administrator Heldt Recognized

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    By Melissa Paquette

    Safety Administrator Greg Heldt was recently recognized in the category of "Above and Beyond the Call of Duty." His nomination said:

    "While Oak Park Heights has been working to find a replacement for our previous Safety Administrator, Greg Heldt, Faribault's Safety Administrator, offered his assistance in completing several safety related duties despite the distance between the two facilities. Greg goes out of his way to make himself available for questions or help when he is needed. His positive attitude makes him very approachable, which is an admirable quality. Greg is very dedicated to ensuring that everyone in the DOC is working in a safe and secure environment. We appreciate everything you've done for us, Greg. Thank you!"

    Safety Manager Wayne Niles, Safety Administrator Greg Heldt & AWA Laura Westphal

    Safety Manager Wayne Niles, Safety Administrator Greg Heldt & AWA Laura WestphalGreg Heldt

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  • Looking Back at Minnesota Walk for Recovery 2022

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    By Jolene Rebertus

    For the last 10 years, the DOC has participated in MN Walk for Recovery – a community event to model hope and break the stigma of addiction. It's a day dedicated to show support to those who have been impacted by substance use disorders.

    The DOC is a recovery ally and last September we joined in on a day of music, food, dance, art, and activities.

    Enjoy some pictures from the day!

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