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Welcome to the Minnesota Department of Corrections staff newsletter! Current stories will be posted here, so check back often to see the latest updates.

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  • Shout Out: Valerie Dorff

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    By Janelle Cheney

    I want to give a Shout-out to Valerie Dorff in the Moorhead District as she is often called upon to assist with UA's, Transfer Paperwork for those in the Fargo/Moorhead area, as well as review PSI's and Guideline Worksheets of others. She has a very busy caseload herself yet is always willing to lend a hand and assist where there is a need.

    Valerie also looks to support ongoing knowledge of local resources, and shares this with her peers. She is a Board Member of Heart Of Clay and is passionate about finding solutions towards homelessness for those in the Community. She has also engaged in new conversations about other needed programming and resources within Clay County. She doesn't let any grass grow under her feet!

    Val, your efforts, energy and activity is noticed and we are thankful for you!!!

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  • Shout Out: Closing the Gap Committee

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    By Amanda Tuthill

    Thank you to our Closing the Gap (CTG) Committee for presenting another great conference at Camp Ripley! This committee is comprised of devoted staff across the state from multiple departments who work together to ensure cohesive services in release planning for incarcerated individuals.

    I am grateful for their commitment in providing consistent and qualitative training and networking opportunities for their fellow agents, case managers, release planners and administration. This in turn helps to bridge the gap in services for those incarcerated transitioning from the facility into the community. Keynote speakers and breakout sessions were both relevant to staff's wellbeing and addressed pertinent topics in supporting DOC's mission and goals.

    Special thanks to FS Program Director Willie Swanson, MCF-FRB CSCC Jessica Drahota, CCA Dakota County Agent Amanda Schneider, and CCA Blue Earth County Agent Brady Schloesser for chairing this committee. The contributions of CTG as a whole are invaluable and I am grateful for their dedication and hard work.

    people standing on a stage in front of a small crowd

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  • Shout Out: Connor Moore

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    By Kristen O'Connell

    In July of this year, the education department started looking at what accessibility options we could offer to those incarcerated on the client network computers. We had a small group of instructors at Shakopee, Rush City and Stillwater have their tutors test out what features worked best on the computers. Once we had that feedback, we started working with Conner Moore at MNIT.

    In the beginning of August, Conner placed three computer-based accessibility options on a client network computer in a classroom in Rush City. Once Conner could verify that the shortcuts and functioning were a success, we released them to all computers in the classroom. After we verified that it was successful in the entire classroom, we released them to all client network computers at Rush City. Confirming that was also successful, Conner did another push to all client network computers at Shakopee to ensure the shortcuts and functioning were working accurately.

    On Thursday, November 2, the following shortcuts were pushed to all DOC client network computers:

    • Magnifier, C:\WINDOWS\system32\Magnify.exe - allows for a zoomed in look at your screen, making items easier to see.
    • Narrator, C:\WINDOWS\system32\Narrator.exe - allows for specific applications to read text over a speaker.
    • On-Screen Keyboard. C:\WINDOWS\system32\osk.exe - allows for the use of your keyboard using your mouse instead of a physical keyboard.

    The best part: There are no requirements from anyone to enable these shortcuts. They can be used immediately once you restart the desktop.

    Shout out to Conner Moore. He was phenomenal to work with and was instrumental in the success of this rollout being well thought out.

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  • Shout Out: Allison Renken

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    By Willie Swanson

    Our office was notified by a public defender that one of Allison's clients (Evan Walker) went out of his way to inform the court of how positively he felt about having her as an agent. This was during a violation hearing no less!!!

    Public Defender Jennifer Chaplinski stated that "In an exchange with Judge Tenney, Mr. Walker said that he is glad for the support of “Allison” and she has “been there for him and believed he could get sober even when he was using.” Judge Tenney was impressed and commented about how we were all referring to her as ”Allison” which told him that Mr. Walker trusted and relied on his agent as someone who supported him and his recovery.

    It is impressive that even during a violation hearing Allison's client feels supported by her. Clearly she has a positive professional alliance, Allison exhibits these qualitiies in all of her intactions with clients.

    Nice Work!!!!!

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  • Shout Out: CSTS Web training​

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    By Danelle Gorra

    Gen Wilkens, Melissa Greiner and Becca Clemens Wells with assistance from John Eichenlaub in moderation facilitated 3 virtual trainings on CSTS Web to share the why, show the new look and functionality, provide tips and tricks and assist staff in the transition to the new platform.

    Only one other agency provided such a training for their staff and with 428 attendees over the three days and the level of engagement through questions on the calls, it was clear is was appreciated.

    Beyond that the group collaborated to coordinate CSTS power user in testing, created memos, videos, iShare content, a push week and acted as spokespeople for the change to ensure that from training to soft launch to hard launch, Field Services staff will be supported. I can't celebrate the work on the implementation of CSTS Web 4.3 enough.

    Slow but steady and planful wins the race for change initiatives and this team is making it happen!

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  • ​Master Instructor-Weapons Advanced Instructor Training

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    By Jay S. Olson

    Four Master Instructor - Weapons completed the 3-day Rifle Instructor Course that was conducted at Hennepin Technical College – Law Enforcement Training, November 03-05.

    The small group environment included advanced instruction by demonstration, lecture and coaching, as well as live fire drills and qualification exercises. Students were required to give instructor-level teach backs, demonstrate competency on the firing line, and lecture during this course.

    According to Todd Anderson, the course “was phenomenal, we all learned a lot that can be transferred over to the DOC."

    four fire arms instructors standing together

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  • Shout Out: Becca Clemens-Wells

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    By Rachel L. Miller

    Thank you so much to Becca for the Smartsheet support for the EBP Trainer Appreciation Event nominations. What you did in a matter of minutes would have taken me hours. What you created allowed us to collect nominations in a simple and effective way that encouraged people to submit. Your willingness to help out and make me laugh at the same time is always appreciated.

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  • Shout Out: Jennifer Johnsgard

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    By Tracy Hudrlik

    Field Services and Interstate Compact would like to give a big Shout Out to Jennifer Johnsgard and Brian Rubenstein for their quick work on an interstate compact case.

    With only two days until the deadline for submitting, Brian was asked if his area could investigate an incoming transfer case. Brian knew just who to assign this to and Jennifer dropped everything to get the investigation done and submitted prior to the deadline. This allowed the client to be able to come to MN and be with his family. Thank you Jennifer for your selfless, person centered approach to the work on this case.

    You are a shining example of teamwork and you are much appreciated!

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  • Shout Out: Agent Bill Moe

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    By Kate Erickson

    One of my core values is acknowledgement and genuine and authentic human connection. When I see this in the frontline professionals that I have the opportunity to engage with in the space and focus of the work of the Community Stability Team I make a point to pass along notes of recognition to the leaders of these individuals. These observations and specifically the circumstances associated with Bill's client (AF) are likely not new, and I want you to know that his efforts and the work of the community partners is seen (at least by me).

    Bill made a referral to Jen Abbas (Community Stability & Support) several months ago. AF (on probation) was living with her mother and her mother was moving … and AF could not move with her to her new residence. AF has a long history of SUD, mental health and in the year prior was in a car accident that resulted in serious injuries. As a result of these injuries AF has mobility and cognitive impairments (TBI). Bill initially tried to chase down local housing needs on his own with no success.

    Bill and Jen worked together to get her into a local motel. Jen and Bill remained connected every month to staff and pursue different options. These options resulted in her being connected to ARMHS, a social worker with human services, and she still remains connected to professionals from drug court. He and the community team pushed forward with connecting to public housing, supported AF through the denial and the appeal process. Bill and team continued to persevere and arranged a full fledge care conference with AF, all the professionals working with her and our team.

    Together we strategized navigation of the local homeless and housing services system, and his follow up and follow through of these strategies was immediate and mindful. AF care needs continue to increase since her accident, and she still remains engaged with her care team. She is still at the motel, however – her journey to housing stability is moving forward. Because of the humility of Bill and this care team to say – 'help us think through this', his and the team's continued connection with AF, the creative strategizing and follow through – AF is now on the section 8 waiting list and has connected with Winona HRA, she has submitted her application through SEMCAC for Coordinated Entry (this is the system that will rank her prioritization of housing needs) – right now she is considered 'sheltered homeless' because DOC is paying for her stay at a motel and she is certified disabled), she has connected with WeCare (housing stabilization services) and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center/Hope for Homes program. AF will meet with the Housing Resource Specialist today.

    Bill's support and supervision of AF is littered with successes, and it is also really really hard work. It involves systems, programs, language, and actions that are not typical paths to follow for corrections agents. Bill has always shown up ready to support, follow through, humble, and inquisitive. This is excellent.

    Thanks for all you do, Bill.

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  • Shout Out: DOC Combined Charities Video Stars

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    By The Combined Charities Team

    The DOC Combined Charities team would like to thank all the DOC staff who came together to create this year's fun promotional music video. We had too many stars to name individually at all the facilities, central office and the Center City field services office.

    An extra big thanks to the wardens, supervisors, and executive team members who participated in the video, or made filming possible in their locations.

    Thanks so much for the support and enthusiasm from the Communications office—specifically director, producer and narrator Victor Archibong for his vision and execution.

    Also thank you to those who weren't able to participate in the video but endured a lot of scheduling (and re-rescheduling) emails and meeting invites. Your patience is much appreciated!

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Page last updated: 01 Aug 2024, 10:22 AM