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Welcome to the Minnesota Department of Corrections staff newsletter! Current stories will be posted here, so check back often to see the latest updates.

Some stories are longer or contain additional photos. Click on story titles or "continue reading" to open the full view.

  • Shout Out: MCF-Shakopee

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    By Crystal Brakke

    Congratulations to MCF-Shakopee for two honors from Cisco Networking Academy!

    AnDee Flohr received the Instructor Above and Beyond Award, and the facility received the Academy Above and Beyond Award. The Above and Beyond awards recognize instructors and programs who make a sustainable and positive impact in the classroom and community.

    Winners are selected based on how they demonstrate leadership and innovation, promote student engagement, and make a sustainable impact in the community.

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  • Shout Out: Butch Johnson

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    By Anonymous

    GMW Butch Johnson at Rush City has recently returned to the secured area of the facility and cleanliness has improved drastically in certain areas he has been cleaning. Keep up the good work. Industry staff appreciate it.

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  • Faribault Hosts 2nd Annual Chili/Soup Cook Off!

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    By Melissa Paquette

    On February 29, MCF-FRB held their 2nd annual chili/soup cook off! The event was sponsored by the Yellow Ribbon Committee and CARE Club Committee.

    Congratulations to the winners:

    • 1st Place--Officer Andrew Gengler
    • 2nd Place--Captain Martin Dahlen
    • 3rd Place & People's Choice--Case Manager Jason Starkson

    L to R: Captain Dahlen, Officer Gengler & Case Manager Starkson

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  • Shout Out: Welcome Back Officer Vincent Connor

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    By Sherlinda Wheeler

    MCF-Shakopee would like to welcome back Corrections Officer II Vincent Connor. Officer Connor is in the Army National Guard and has been on Military Leave since August 2022.

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  • Shout Out: Caseworker Sandy Hand

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    By Sherlinda Wheeler

    MCF-Shakopee would like to congratulate Corrections Security Caseworker Sandy Hand on her promotion to Corrections Security Caseworker Career.

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  • Shout Out: Lacy Kreye

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    By Joshua Sternhagen

    I'd like to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Lacy Kreye for all the amazing help in getting Mayo back set up!!!! You are making the transition easier.

    Keep up the great work!

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  • Shout Out: Lieutenant Fadling

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    By Anonymous St. Cloud Uniformed Staff

    When I started Lieutenant Fadling was an officer in Segregation. Although when I had first started, I didn't get to work with him more then a few times (after going online I went to first watch). It must be noted, the few times I had the opportunity to work with him I noticed his ability to lead less experienced officers and lead offenders that wanted to be better in Segregation. Fadling also had an interpersonal way to communicating with staff that allowed staff to feel they were recognized and part of a team.

    I really got to know Lieutenant Fadling when he promoted to Sergeant on Third Watch. Lieutenant Fadling was a regular relief Sergeant on Saint Clouds A-Team. When Lieutenant Fadling was a Sergeant, he always made sure that A-Team was safe. Lieutenant Fadling always communicated to the A-Team in a way everyone understood. Lieutenant Fadling was always excellent at discussing both the agenda for the day as well as organizing staff in demanding incidents. It was the way Fadling had presented himself, and expressed himself that brought the best out of officers without demanding it.

    Lieutenant Fadling isn't just a man of well communication, Lieutenant Fadling leads by example. Lieutenant Fadling would never delegate something he wouldn't do himself. Lieutenant Fadling would move food carts on modified facility days just as he would be found helping to get rid of garbage from the units. No task was below him. Frequently he was found supporting staff, not just by words but through action. No policy, or rule, that an officer enforced went without his support. Many staff, including myself, noticed and it inspired us to do more.

    Furthermore, Lt Fadling also displayed great leadership with offenders. Lieutenant Fadling had the ability to de-escalate offenders and help them with their critical-thinking abilities.

    Lieutenant Fadling had recently promoted to his current rank, and I hope that this nomination helps him gain more recognition from the agency for the excellent leadership he has shown all of us at MCF-SCL for at least the last 7 years I've been here.

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  • Shout Out: Agents Janice Kampfe and Wade Lennox

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    By Wendy Spry

    On February 28, 2024, Community Stability Program Director Kate Erickson and myself, DOC Tribal Relations Director Wendy Spry, engaged in a meeting with Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe relative to community supervision and re-entry planning.

    MLBO staff expressed high praise for their working relationship with Agents Janice Kampfe and Wade Lennox, whose caseloads include those residing on the reservation. These agents were described as responsive and communicative. Even more importantly…. as partners eager to work with the tribe to develop effective supervision plans for those MLBO members on supervision.

    Chi Miigwech (huge thank you) to Janice and Wade for your engagement and collaboration with tribal nation staff. The work you do with and for its members has not gone unnoticed.

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  • Shout Out: Bemidji District Office's Cheri Pula

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    By Karen Fredrickson

    Cheri was recently featured in the MNJIS Connection Spring 2024 Newsletter's TAC Corner which is put out by the MN BCA.

    How long have you been the TAC at your agency?

    Cheri: I have been with the Department of Corrections for almost 26 years. I have been the TAC for the Bemidji District, which includes three agencies, for the past 12 years.

    What is the one thing people should know about what you do, but don't?

    Cheri: I assist all staff in the district with CJIS, CODNA, MyBCA and POR account setup. This is maintained for every new hire, retirement, interagency move and moves to other districts. This requires organization and good communication with other TACs. I also work closely with my auditor to ensure our agency stays compliant with the BCA and FBI.

    What are the most challenging aspects of being a TAC?

    Cheri: There are many challenges, but staying on top of the changes in policy and implementing the changes within our agency to remain compliant ranks number one. Second to that is managing staff changes and certifications. With staff retirements, new hires and movement within our agency, it proves challenging to ensure accounts are created in various databases/systems for new staff, accounts are activated and deactivated when required, and certifications are completed before expiration, especially with the change to an annual certification.

    What advice do you have for new TACs?

    Cheri: Don't be afraid to ask questions, reach out to other TACs for ideas to get organized, utilize Launch Pad or reach out to your auditor and the BCA Service Desk; they are a wealth of information and want you to succeed. I also recommend taking refresher TAC workshops to stay informed, especially if you have an audit in the near future.

    The BCA thanks Cheri for her many years of outstanding service as a TAC.

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  • Shout Out: Willow River CSAS Sr. Melinda Murphy

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    By Lt. Gordon Tate

    I wanted to recognize the dedicated and hard work that Melinda Murphy does daily while working the CSAS Sr. position at the MCF Willow River Facility.

    In this position she is responsible for the daily upkeep and ordering for all facility inventories, equipment, and supply needs at Willow River. This is just one aspect of her daily job duties that she performs consistently at a high level. Often the results of her work go unnoticed and is taken for granted as her daily tasks and duties performed are not out in the open or in direct contact with the departments she assists with every day.

    Melinda's excellent due-diligence with ordering and tracking of supplies and equipment assists the budget managers of the facility to make fiscally responsible decisions and helps to keep the facility supply and equipment needs met and operating smoothly.

    Thank you Melinda for all of the hard work that you do on a daily basis at MCF Willow River. The Supervisor group and all of the staff here at Willow River appreciate the work you do and the important tasks you complete on a daily basis that keep this facility running smoothly.

    You are a vital asset to this facility and to the Departments you support. Thank you!

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Page last updated: 01 Aug 2024, 10:22 AM